The mission of Sons of Norway is to provide quality insurance and financial products to our members, promote and preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, and to celebrate our relationship with other Scandinavian countries.
Hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and now on to 2025. Fjelldalen has a lot planned for this year, food seems to be the center of it all - Cooking Club, Potluck at every meeting, Brunch after Hiking Vikings (3rd Sat), Get together Breakfast at IKEA (4th Sat), Syttende Mai (May),Family picnic (August), and we will be trying something different for the Annual Dinner!! For some reason Mother Nature must not like LUTEFISK, we had to cancel the last Lutefisk Dinners because of snowstorms. Sooo - Fjelldalen is planning on having a "Smoked Salmon Dinner" in the Spring, more information will follow.
Fellow Vikings of Fjelldalen and friends... We are creating a new Norwegian language initiative. Rather than being a "class room" course, this is a learn at your own pace on Duolingo with the group and meetings as a support system on Zoom sprinkled in with some goodies... Please see attached flyer and please join our new Facebook
group. Our next virtual meeting is Tuesday Jan 14 at 7 pm.
To sign up:
You will need a Facebook account, smartphone with Duolingo installed
and a large cup of black coffee 🙂
2024 Fjelldalen Lodge #6-162. Proudly created with
2025 Lodge Officers
Kris Bussell, President
Karen Campbell, Secretary
Eivind Skildheim, VP
Amber Gardner, Treasurer
Genealogy Club
Meeting on February 1st
Click Here to Join ZOOM Meeting
Agenda: Using Google Maps - Planning a
Genealogy Trip
Help Session: